Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Still in Twin

Yes - we are still alive and planning on continuing to blog. Studying for and taking the boards, family vacations, and of course, moving across the ocean have thrown us off track a little bit for the past few months, but now that we're relatively settled, I'm ready for a massive catch-up of blogging.

Here are a few fun, ordinary things we did in the end of May and beginning of June, in Twin Falls.

I tried to make a cute breakfast for Cora one day - the bear turned out to be sad - next time I will make his face with blueberries. Cora often wakes up from her nap slightly grumpy - but a visit from her brother always puts a smile on her face.
Checking out the beautiful view from the lookout by the bridge in Twin Falls on a windy day.
Found a very scary looking surprise in my dryer - turned out to be the remnants of a couple of peanut butter cracker sandwiches that had gotten washed and dried from someone's pocket.
We see this cute chocolate face often - Cora loves nutella on toast (cacalit bread) for breakfast. It kind of reminds me of the Three Musketeers for some reason - with her shoulder length hair, bangs, and french looking mustache.Here are some funny things Cora said around this time that I had written down:

Ryan was using an electric shaver, which he doesn't do very often, and Cora said "Daddy's mowing the gwass on his face!"

When Cora doesn't want to put a shirt on in the morning she yells "No Mom, I want my tummy on!"

The other day she was asking to watch Dora or Diego and I said no, so she thought for a minute, then asked to "watch show about cooking?" When I said no to that too she asked "watch show about houses?" I don't really watch TV very often when she's up but when I do, she knows that I prefer either the Food network or HGTV.

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